"Best Friends" Circus Sketchbook Assignment |
Here is my "Circus" themed drawing for my sketchbook. For the past four years my art teacher, Mrs. Smith, has been fighting for sketchbook participation. My Freshman year she gave us a topic each week: something from our pocket, our Dad's shoe, a crumpled paper, ext. Sophomore year we got to choose what to draw each week. Last year she handed out photos every other week, trying to give more time for us to draw. This year she did something completely different. We had the entire quarter to complete 3 drawings from supplied photos, and 10 extra add ins of our choice. After three quarters, and many failed sketchbooks, we had a class lecture/discussion on why sketchbooks are important. Mrs. Smith changed our sketchbook process back to the way of Freshman year. We are given two topics to choose from each week. Over spring break my class had to draw something "cold" or "circus" related. I chose circus.
I never really put much care into sketchbooks, always waiting for the last day to draw my picture. Even with the quarter assignment I would draw all three sketches Sunday night, and grab 10 doodles/ sketches from my backpack during school before 6th period art. I procrastinate a lot.
This quarter I will put more effort into my sketches. I will probably still draw them on Sunday, but mostly because it is a good Sunday activity.